Northern Ireland Open snooker 2024 recap – Mark Williams and Kyren Wilson through to last 32, Judd Trump to come

Northern Ireland Open snooker 2024 recap - Mark Williams and Kyren Wilson through to last 32, Judd Trump to come

Stuart Bingham 4-0 Mark Davis


Zhou will be sick to have lost that; Shaun clenches his fist as he leaves the arena.

MURPHY 1-2 YUELONG (59-60)

Shaun’s making this look routine, but he’s got to develop the brown … he goes off the yellow … and misses. Then off the green, he doesn’t even get an angle for a double, but he does get a snooker behind the black; Zhou misses once, then hits and hopes to get it safe … ish. There’s a thin cut on, Shaun’s going to have a go at it … and that’s a blinding pot under pressure. He clears to the pink and it’s black for 2-2…


A great red from Shaun, sent long to the corner, is followed up with a nasty snooker. So Zhou hits and hopes, leaves a chance, and what a steal this’d be.

Trump feels Selt was ‘overthinking’ in Northern Ireland Open second round clash


Another decernt recovery-pot, this time with the rest, keeps Zhou at the table. He, remember, lost the final here in 2022, leading Mark Allen 4-1 then losing 9-4, but back to now, he directs a plant into the far knuckle of right-middle – leaving nothing – but the frame is not yet his. Have a look, though! Next go, he creams home a starter, then knocks the brown safe while laying a snooker. There are 75 points left on the table.


Zhou clips a good starter to left corner and gets to work. He’s not relaxed, I don’t think, but he’s just about making it work. And he gets his just desserts, playing a risky cut before, a few shots later, breaking a difficult pack and keeping the run going with the spider. He’s mnow in prime position.


Stuart Bingham 3-0 Mark Davis


A run of 50 and Shaun’s on the board.


Zhou will be vexed he’s not won this frame despite scoring only nine points in it; instead, Shaun has played his way into a bit of form.


Shaun misses a long one – he’s 2/9 now – then Zhou misses a black. Shaun really, really should clinch the frame from here


Shaun digs into the pack … and lands on nothing. So he plays safe and will perhaps be feeling a little better to have played a few shots, once disappointment at ill luck has dissipated.


This match is there for Zhou, but can he play well enough for long enough to take it? You don’t want to be handing a legend like Shaun too many chances, and another Zhou miss on the green means he’s at the table with points available.


Not for long, a poor shot leaving the white in the cluster with no obvious colour at which to aim; he pokes to the yellow.


As Fouldsy says, you’d back Shaun to steer home a long cut, but it’s not going for him. A safety battle ensues, eventually he leaves one, and Zhou is away again.


Stuart Bingham 2-0 Mark Davis


It does. Zhou lookos confident now – he clears with 77 – and Shaun’s highest break so far is nine.


Shaun goes in-off and escapes, then misses a long one – he’s not feeling this – hands Zhou a chance, and this should mean the frame.


Another booming plant and Zhou’s in again, but a green rolled super-slow to block the pocket if necessary does indeed stay out. No matter: a poor shot from Shaun then offers another chance … but he blocks his route to his next red of choice with the black. End of break, with as good safety to the bottom rail.


Zhou slides a black towards left corner and it’s a little undercut but still looks likely to drop … and does not.

‘Dug himself out of trouble’ – Trump hits 141 break to seal second round NI Open victory over Selt


Zhou doesn’t need asking twice. Left a long one off the break, he rips it into right corner and off he goes again. I love his energy about the table.


Stuart Bingham 0-0 Mark Davis


Zhou will have been irritated not to finish that frame much sooner but he gets there in the end.

MURPHY 0-0 YUELONG (10-50)

Look at that, though, Shaun storking down a dead straight, oblique starter. He’s on nothing, though, so we’re back playing safety. So far, neither man has been vintage, but we’re only getting starter. And it’s Zhou in next, a clever green bringing him up the business end, and the frame should not be his.


Ach, thinking about his next shot, Zhou misses a pink to middle. Then Shaun misses with the rest, then Zhou misses to the corner. So Shaun gets away then gets out, and suddenly this is scrappy.


Zhou looks confident – of course he does – bowling about the table. There plenty of points still out there.


No less an authority than Mark Selby once thought Zhou the best of the young Chinese players, but he’s not quite trained on in the way I hoped he might. He is, though, a very good player, and he splatters in a plant, gets on the blue, and leaves claret all over. Great shot.

and off we go


Shaun Murphy v Zhou Yuelong


Robert Milkins 1-4 Tian Pengfei

Jimmy Robertson 1-4 Louis Heathcote


A total clearance of 141 and Judd’s through to meet John Higgins or Bary Hawkins in the last 16.

trump 3-2 selt (124-0)

I say this all the time but I love how much Uncle Joe loves watching Judd. “What about that for a shot!” he purrs when the white shoots around the angles to develop the brown and reach the final red. this is the sixth time in a row he’s beaten Matt, and I reckon this’ll sting more than most because Matt was in this, sort of.

trump 3-2 selt (98-0)

There was a short time in the match when Matt looked confident, but before then he was just about hanging on while building breaks. Judd, on the other hand, has grown as he’s shrunk, and this’ll be yet another ton.

trump 3-2 selt (59-0)

Judd Trump loves winning snooker matches.

trump 3-2 selt (21-0)

Gosh, Matt goes for one that’s never there and Uncle Joe is aghast. It does, as he says, look desperate, it hands Judd a chance, and though there’s work to do this looks to be going only one way. Almost no one can play well enough for long enough to beat Judd, even over a sprint; he just sometimes loses to the top lads in the closing stages of tournaments, and isn’t yet the best over the longest format.

trump 3-2 selt (8-0)

A kindly kiss off the green and Judd’s got Matt behind the brown; he foul-misses twice, then we’re back playing safety.


Robert Milkins 1-3 Tian Pengfei

Jimmy Robertson 1-3Louis Heathcote

trump 3-2 selt

Short best-of-sevens were meant to level the playing field. Somehow they’ve made Judd even harder to beat.

trump 2-2 selt (72-56)

Ha! Judd power-strokes brown to yellow and Matt, chuntering in his chair, needs a snooker. He can’t sink the blue, but chances are he’s done enough.

trump 2-2 selt (72-56)

Matt hits … and leaves an animal. With the safety as hard as the pot, Judd takes it on, misses … and flukes another snooker!

trump 2-2 selt (72-56)

Judd leaves himself short on the brown! Can he cut it to the yellow bag … he cannot! But he flukes a snooker! This game!

trump 2-2 selt (67-56)

Judd closes the gap, and the trickiest remaining red, just a little off black cush, seems unlikely to trouble him. The yellow, though, isn’t far off the baulk rail, so black to that won’t be easy; he drains the aforementioned red and here it comes … he plays it nicely. yellow, green and bvrown for the steal!

trump 2-2 selt (13-56)

Ach, slotting a black in pursuit of the maxi, he doesn’t quite control the white, opting to go hard at a red sent long to the green bag and missing by plenty. He does, though, only leave a nasty starter to the middle which Judd eschews. But then he goes hard at another, this time to right corner, gets nowhere near that one either, and this time he doesn’t get away with it, Judd ramming down a horrible longun, landing the white safe had he missed but on the green when he doesn’t. This why he barely ever loses these matches…

‘Let off’ for Selt as ‘surprising’ Trump miss on red sees world No. 1 lose the second frame

trump 2-2 selt (8-40)

Matt’s starting to enjoy himself; starting to believe he can win. He’ll need a few nudges to make almost-pottable balls pottable, but he looks like tht’s well within his ambit. And, as I type, he opens almost everything having sunk five red-blacks…

trump 2-2 selt (8-16)

Now then. All that safety and Judd misses the longun he’s been waiting for; that he earned, allowing Matt a decent opportunity. This could be a pivotal run.

Milkins hits century break in lightning start to Northern Ireland Open second round clash

trump 2-2 selt (8-0)

A terrific safety leaves Matt stuck behind the yellow; he escapes and shortly afterwards plys the kind of roll-up that says re-rack – there’s a red near the black that it won’t be easy to cover. Judd, though, manages it, then Matt twice leaves the white short of the pack before hitting on pane of forfeiting the frame.


Robert Milkins 1-2 Tian Pengfei

Jimmy Robertson 1-2Louis Heathcote

trump 2-2 selt

A run of 74 and Judd levels the match.

trump 1-2 selt (57-16)

A clever pink allows Judd to nudge the pack while potting the next red and this is very fine stuff. When Matt was in, he was alwasys scrapping a little, whereas the Ace is flowing.

trump 1-2 selt (23-16)

Having not potted in quite some time, Judd steers in a beauty with side to get him on to the black. The way the balls are, you expect him to make a few and if he doesn’t, well…

trump 1-2 selt (0-9)

Ach, an unwanted cannon means a red now blocks Matt’s route to the black

trump 1-2 selt (0-9)

Left in a tricky spot off the break, Judd plays a roll-up off the side … and leaves one! If Matt can cash in again, this will get very interesting, a nice cut to middle redeeming a poor positional shot, and he’s looking good now.


Robert Milkins 1-2 Tian Pengfei

Jimmy Robertson 0-2Louis Heathcote

trump 1-2 selt

A run of 81 and Matt hits the front. Judd played beautifully in frame one, like a drain in two, and only got one shot in three. The next frame is a biggun.

trump 1-1 selt (0-53)

As with the break that eventually clunched the previous frame, Matt doesn’t seem in total control of things, but he’s doing enough. This is going to be 2-1 to him.

trump 1-1 selt (0-25)

Matt drains a fine starter off Judd’s break – that’s confidence for you – and gets to work, pack nicely open. This feels like an important contribution.


Robert Milkins 1-1 Tian Pengfei

Jimmy Robertson 0-1Louis Heathcote

trump 1-1 sElt

Judd sinks a red but misses the black so concedes the scrappiest of frames. Matt won’t mind, but he won’t win four like that.

trump 1-0 sElt (10-64)

Matt’s not cueing fluently – this looks really hard work – but he’s getting balls down. Until he misses a black off its spot playing the shot too hard, meaning judd returns to the table needing one four-point snooker to tie.

trump 1-0 sElt (9-26)

Oh Matt. Oh mate. A poor positional shot means a tougher than pnecessaryot to the middle … but it’s catching! Judd misses similarly to the opposite bag and surely he’ll now be punished?

trump 1-0 sElt (9-3)

Now it’s Matt who botches a plant and looks to have left nothing, except he has; Judd, though rolls onto the lip of left corner, leaving a tight cut and a pretty decent opportunity. If Matt can’t cash in here, you’ll fear for him.

trump 1-0 sElt (9-0)

Judd slides an opener into left corner then gets back up the table off the brown only to find himself in baulk once again. This time he uses the green before taking on a plant … which he misses, lucking out to leave nothing. Or has he? Matt takes on one to the green bag which necessitates a little swerve, jawses it … and when Judd’s left nothing, he plays a poor safety that ends with red over left corner. And somehow, Matt misses it! That did not look possible nor does it augur well for his prospects this evening.


Robert Milkins 1-0 Tian Pengfei

Jimmy Robertson 0-0Louis Heathcote

trump 1-0 sElt

Judd hits the front and this is going to be a difficult night for Matt unless he improves quickly.

trump 0-0 sElt (60-0)

Our players chase balls about, Judd taking the opportunity to get the yellow safe, then an error from Matt ends the frame.

trump 0-0 sElt (59-0)

Shortly afterwards Judd runs out of position, so he puts the brown safe and plays safe. There are 75 points remaining,

trump 0-0 sElt (51-0)

Judd opens the reds then, when he runs out of loose balls, he goes again, and by the looks of things Matt is going to be one shot and done in this frame.

trump 0-0 sElt (16-0)

This isn’t an easy match for Judd – Matt is a proper player who won’t be scared. Thing is, Judd is almost unbeatable over best of seven, and he rolls in a delightful starter off the break then adds a black followed by another red-black. Ominous.



Judd Trump v Matthew Selt

Robert Milkins v Tian Pengfei

Jimmy Robertson vLouis Heathcote

Shaun Murphy v Zhou Yuelong

Stuart Bingham v Mark Davis


And that concludes the afternoon session, as Noppon Saengkham also overcomes Thepchaiya Un-Nooh 4-3.

We’ll be back for the evening action, headlined by Judd Trump who faces Matthew Selt!

Williams 4-0 Clarke

It’s a whitewash victory for Mark, but that doesn’t quite paint the entire picture. It’s been scrappy and he’ll have to improve on today’s performance, but all that matters now is he’s in the last 32.

Williams 3-0 Clarke (46-2)

This has been another scrappy frame, but it looks like Mark is on his way to victory.

He finds a gap to sink the decisive red, which in turn, opens up the table for him. A couple of pinks later and it’s snookers required for Jamie, who is heading out.

Williams 3-0 Clarke (36-2)

Mark brings up 36 and that’s all he can do for now. Jamie has a brief return to the table and knocks in a single red, but misses a pottable yellow. It’s all going downhill for the Welshman at the moment.

Around the tables

Noppon Saengkham and Thepchaiya Un-Nooh are locked in at 3-3 and have gone to a decider as the afternoon session edges towards its conclusion.

Williams 3-0 Clarke (21-1)

Jamie kicks off what could be the final frame of the match with a neat, long red, but Mark is quickly back at the table and working his way to a whitewash victory.

He sinks a lovely pink off its spot and now needs to find a way of breaking up these reds. If he can, he could put together a big run to finish off.

Williams 3-0 Clarke

And he steals the frame emphatically! What a clearance from the three-time world champion who is one frame away from a spot in the last 32.

Williams 2-0 Clarke (15-56)

Another lengthy frame goes on and it has eclipsed the opener which lasted 26 minutes.

Mark strokes in a fantastic red, the final red, down the top rail and a clearance is on. This will be a tough pill for Jamie to swallow if Mark mops up here.

Williams 2-0 Clarke (14-50)

A couple of fouls from Mark as he looks for a red which is protected by the black, and this frame is slipping away. Jamie has a handy lead now and goes 36 ahead with a tidy blue to the bottom right.

Williams 2-0 Clarke (14-33)

After a period of safety, Jamie has finally been able to pot a few balls and he increases his lead slightly before running out of room on a red. He goes for a two-ball plant but it doesn’t materialise. It’s a strange table with the remaining five reds dotted around.

Williams 2-0 Clarke (14-28)

Similarly to the opener, Mark is slowly working his way back into the frame and looks on his way to a decent run, but rattles the jaws of the top right pocket with a blue off its spot. Normally, you’d expect him to sink that, but today, not so much.

Williams 2-0 Clarke (0-21)

Jamie makes a promising start to the third frame as he looks to overturn an early 2-0 deficit. He brings up 20 points as he smashes a blue into the middle-right pocket and follows it up with a red down the top rail.

It’s not a kind table though, it’s very tight in the bunch and there’s not much room for him to work with. He plays a safety shot and leaves the cue ball down the table as Mark revisits the baize.

Williams 2-0 Clarke

And that spells the end of the frame. Jamie produces a run of 15 but can’t do much more or find the snookers, as Mark returns to the baize, fires in a red and a brown and he’s halfway there.

Williams 1-0 Clarke (74-0)

Mark’s run ends when he rattles the jaws of the top right pocket. Jamie returns to the table and requires a couple of snookers. he’s going to give it a go.

Williams 1-0 Clarke (58-0)

This has been a totally contrasting second frame in comparison to the opener, so far anyway. Mark rallies 58 points clear, recovering excellently from a poor positional shot to send a black down the top left and his break continues.

Williams 1-0 Clarke (19-0)

A fabulous shot from Mark, who drills a red into the top left pocket and gets plenty of screw on the cue ball, smashing the reds apart in the process.

This could be a chance for a big break and a two-frame buffer.

Williams 1-0 Clarke

A resurgent Mark wins a scrappy 25-minute opener with the shot of the frame, sending a tricky pink off its spot and into the top left pocket.

Williams 0-0 Clarke (25-41)

A scrappy opener continues as Jamie catches the near knuckle as he looks to send a red down the top left, and then amazingly Mark also misses it.

It’s all happening in that corner of the table!

Williams 0-0 Clarke (15-32)

Mark is working his way back into this frame and puts together 15 before missing a black off its spot. It was a tricky shot with the cue ball stuck to the left cushion, but that ends a slightly uninspiring visit.

Williams 0-0 Clarke (0-32)

Jamie hammers a blue into the left-middle knuckle which smashes into the pack, with most of the bunch moving into the top right corner of the table.

Williams 0-0 Clarke (0-15)

Jamie is the first to start potting the balls and has put himself in a handy position at the start of this one.

Wilson survives Grace fightback to win decider and keep Northern Ireland Open title hopes alive

Williams in action now

Up next, we have three-time world champion Mark Williams in action against fellow Welshman Jamie Clarke.

Wilson on ‘crazy’ win over Grace

“It’s crazy, isn’t it?” Wilson told Eurosport after his victory. “That’s the beauty of the best-of-seven for the fans. It’s such a short format it can turn off one shot almost.

“At 3-0 up I’m cruising and I’m thinking what I’m going to have for my dinner, and it all turned around. I’m just glad I managed to keep myself calm.”

‘It’s crazy’ – Wilson reacts after dramatic deciding-frame victory over Grace

Wilson 4-3 Grace

It took far longer than it should have, but Kyren is into the last 32 after an impressive deciding frame!

Wilson 3-3 Grace (48-0)

An opening break of 48 for Wilson in the deciding frame, who looks back to his best after letting a three-frame lead slip through his fingers.

With the rest of the reds still in their original spots, he tries to pick one off and send it down the right-middle pocket, but he can’t and his break ends there.

Around the tables

After trailing 2-0 against Hungarian No. 95 rank Bulcsu Revesz, Chris Wakelin has hit back to win the match 4-2 and move into the second round.

Wilson 3-3 Grace

Finally, David sends down the blue and after falling 3-0 behind, he pulls level!

‘He’s still standing’ – Grace wins ‘dramatic’ battle on respotted black to keep hopes alive

Wilson 3-2 Grace (46-71)

A superb safety shot from Kyren, who leaves the cue ball sandwiched between the top rail and the black, but David follows with an even better shot. He makes terrific use of the top left jaws to escape and find the blue. We go on!

Wilson 3-2 Grace (42-66)

Big chance for David! Kyren leaves the green next to the top right and he sends it down! Kyren needs a snooker, otherwise, we’re sensationally going to a decider.

Wilson 3-2 Grace (42-63)

During a period of safety, with both players looking to protect the yellow, David leaves it over the right middle pocket and Kyren smashes it down.

David only needs the green, which Kyren gently knocks into the centre, looking to find the blue for cover.

‘He’s checking’ – Wilson jokes with ref over placement of cue ball in D after Vafaei controversy

Wilson 3-2 Grace (40-63)

Scintillating stuff from David, who pulls himself back into the frame with an excellent run of 59. He finishes with a safety, pushing the black onto the top cushion to make things tricky for Kyren, who is staring at a decider after going three frames ahead.

Wilson 3-2 Grace (40-4)

A chance for David to get back into the frame with a simple enough pot along the bottom rail to the yellow bag, but he rattles the jaws!

Wilson can’t make anything of his visit, and David finally starts potting some balls again.

Wilson 3-2 Grace (40-0)

He can’t, but Kyren does have a decent lead.

David steps up to the table and squanders a long red to the top right, splits the pack but gets a slice of luck as there’s not much on for Kyren. That could have cost him the match.

Wilson 3-2 Grace (16-0)

After a low start to the sixth frame, Kyren has a brilliant chance for a big hit after sending down a fantastic black in the top left pocket. He has plenty of room to play with at the top end of the table, but needs to split the reds now.

If he can, a maximum is on.

Around the tables

Chris Wakelin has come from two frames behind to pull level against Bulcsu Revesz.

Wilson 3-2 Grace

After some exceptional safety play from both players, David finally gets the first chance to win the frame and he duly knocks the black into the bottom left.

Wilson 3-1 Grace (55-55)

It’s a respot on the main table as Wilson sinks the blacks he needed! Who’s going to blink first?

Wilson 3-1 Grace (55-55)

That’s a poor miss from David, who looks for a long red which is just waiting to be sent down the top left.

The black finally opens up for Kyren with a route to the green bag, but he makes a positional mistake with the red that he pots to the middle right. However, he recovers well with a brilliant screw on the following red and we could be going down to the wire!

Wilson 3-1 Grace (13-55)

Once again, it goes wrong for David who leaves another red hanging over the pocket which Kyren sends down as he looks to chase the deficit, but eventually runs out of room.

There are 42 points in it and 43 left on the table. Kyren needs blacks, which is right in baulk and doesn’t really go to either corner.

Wilson 3-1 Grace (1-55)

Oh no! David sinks another red, but where’s the cue ball going? Straight into the middle right! It would be such a shame if that’s his last visit.

But Wilson can’t take advantage as he misses a long red to the top left – usually a routine shot for the world champion – and David is in again!

Wilson 3-1 Grace (1-54)

That should be a frame winner! David has a decision to make on a tricky little red from a tight angle, but he expertly sends it down the top right and leaves himself with a straightforward pink.

Just a couple of shots needed and it should be 3-2!

Wilson 3-1 Grace (1-48)

It doesn’t take long for these short matches to start turning, and that’s exactly what’s happening on the main table at the Waterfront Hall!

Kyren looked like the only winner after the opening three frames, but David looks on his way to reducing the deficit to one.

‘What a kiss’ – Grace falls three frames behind Wilson after ‘horrible’ slice of bad luck

Wilson 3-1 Grace (1-0)

Kyren goes for a plant and he isn’t far away, but the red doesn’t want to drop into the top left pocket. A long red opens up for David and he looks to send it down the top left, but that won’t go either and it hangs over the pocket. A chance for Wilson to settle the match?

He duly sinks the red that evaded David, but misses the tricky black which follows and a resurgent Grace is back at the table.

Wilson 3-1 Grace

Not a bad run from David, but a poor positional shot lets him down as he sends a red into the top left knuckle.

Kyren is only momentarily back at the baize and needs two snookers, but he lets David crack on as the 39-year-old averts the whitewash with enough for his first frame.

Wilson 3-0 Grace (0-23)

A solid start to the fourth frame for David, who must win it or he’s out. He puts together a break of 15 and then fires in a black to the top left pocket.

An awkward shot follows with the cue ball bunched up with the reds, but he finds a way out and has a golden chance to get scoring now.

Wilson 3-0 Grace

Wilson does the bare minimum to take the frame and the world champion is one away from a spot in the second round.

Wilson 2-0 Grace (50-1)

Kyren drills in a red down the left pocket but leaves himself in a poor position on the black, which he can’t send down the middle-right.

David is back at the table so let’s see if he can make it count this time. He pots a lovely red, but where’s the cue ball going? It takes a very unfortunate kiss off the yellow, which goes down the bottom right pocket and that just sums it up for the world No. 65.

Another chance for Kyren.

Wilson 2-0 Grace (36-1)

David tries to get in with an angled attempt on a red to the middle-right, it looks like it’s dropping in but it comes off the knuckle and already, Wilson has another chance for 3-0.

‘Refreshing you’re being listened to’ – World champion Wilson retracts ‘Table 1’ comments

Wilson 2-0 Grace (36-1)

Things don’t go to plan for the Warrior as he leaves the cue ball right in with the reds and doesn’t have anywhere to go. It was all going so well up to that point, but he’ll have to wait for another opportunity.

It will likely come. David has only scored nine points so far.

Wilson 2-0 Grace (29-1)

A chance for 3-0 here as Kyren sends a sublime red to the right pocket and follows up with a routine black. He’s in position for another big break as he sends the cue ball into the bunch excellently to free a few more up.

Around the tables

Chris Wakelin is two frames down against Hungarian No. 95 rank Bulcsu Revesz, thanks to breaks of 64 and 93.

An upset could be on the cards at the Waterfront Hall!

Wilson 2-0 Grace

As easy as that! Kyren is in the mood today and he puts down a break of 80 to lead 2-0 after 23 minutes.

Wilson 1-0 Grace (14-0)

Kyren gives a look of frustration as he sends down the blue after a brilliant red, but tucks the cue ball right up against the bunched reds.

David comes to the table, splits the pack and leaves a red hanging over the top right corner. Wilson puts it away, follows up with the black and you would expect him to put together something heavy here.

Wilson 1-0 Grace

David sends down a brilliant black to the right-middle, but once again, can’t put anything substantial together when he misses a simple enough red with the rest and it’s third time lucky for Kyren, who should have take-off here.

The world champion neatly clears up to the yellow to take the opener.

Wilson 0-0 Grace (39-1)

Kyren finds a gap and fires in the first ball of the day to get off the mark, but he can only put together a knock of 14 before he runs out of room. He gets another chance at the frame after some complacency from David, but can’t squeeze a tight red into the right corner pocket. It hangs over the bag and David sends it down on his return to the baize.

We’re underway!

The action gets going in Belfast as Wilson gets his campaign underway.

Earlier results

Ali Carter was stunned on Tuesday morning as he lost 4-1 to 21-year-old Ma Hailong. Elsewhere, Oliver Lines overcame Wu Yize 4-1.

Hello and welcome

This afternoon we kick off with world champion Kyren Wilson, who faces fellow Englishmen David Grace on the main table in Belfast, before we focus on Mark Williams’ clash with Jamie Clarke.

Today’s schedule

Ali Carter 1-4 Ma Hailong

Chris Wakelin 4-2 Bulcsu Revesz

Kyren Wilson 4-3 David Grace

Mark J Williams v Jamie Clarke

Noppon Saengkham v Thepchaiya Un-Nooh

Judd Trump v Matthew Selt

Robert Milkins v Tian Pengfei

Jimmy Robertson vLouis Heathcote

Shaun Murphy v Zhou Yuelong

Stuart Bingham v Mark Davis

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Publish date : 2024-10-22 15:25:00

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